Harold and Kumar working(well one of us)
So I've found some interesting things about the working world. For example, I have to make the adjustment of knowing I'm talking to co-workers, and not friends who know and accept my dimensia. When someone asks me what my favorite color is, I can't reply "naked". This just weirds them out and furthers the rumor that I am Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. I should probably also stop calling Maggie on the speaker phone and saying things like "Maggie, it puts the lotion on its skin."
I also need to stop using the accents I keep thinking in my mind. My boss has never watched Family Guy, so he has no idea what the Stewie voice is or why I keep saying "yeahhh, thats the good stuff."
I also have to tell my friends to stop IMing me mid-day to tell me about their weekend whiskey-dick story. This is self explanatory.
Lastly, inside jokes must be curbed a bit. My friends and I play a game called "I would ______ in exchange for _______." The premise is to ask a person what they really want, then keep racheting up the price for said thing until they are forced to admit something incredibly embaressing. My favorite sofar has been a friend who admitted that in exchange for sex with Jessica Alba, he would go to an alternate dimension and rape himself. This of course begat the question "If you heard a knock on your door, and opened it to reveal your doppleganger holding a rope, would you acquiece gently, knowing what this was all about.
I love this game, but I have gone to the bathroom before only to come back and see one of these messages posted at the front of my screen. Sweet hell people, ask before you leave something like that.
I also need to stop using the accents I keep thinking in my mind. My boss has never watched Family Guy, so he has no idea what the Stewie voice is or why I keep saying "yeahhh, thats the good stuff."
I also have to tell my friends to stop IMing me mid-day to tell me about their weekend whiskey-dick story. This is self explanatory.
Lastly, inside jokes must be curbed a bit. My friends and I play a game called "I would ______ in exchange for _______." The premise is to ask a person what they really want, then keep racheting up the price for said thing until they are forced to admit something incredibly embaressing. My favorite sofar has been a friend who admitted that in exchange for sex with Jessica Alba, he would go to an alternate dimension and rape himself. This of course begat the question "If you heard a knock on your door, and opened it to reveal your doppleganger holding a rope, would you acquiece gently, knowing what this was all about.
I love this game, but I have gone to the bathroom before only to come back and see one of these messages posted at the front of my screen. Sweet hell people, ask before you leave something like that.
At 12:21 PM,
Sir Cody said…
Welcome to the working world... the only thing you have to look forward to now is retirement
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